Brandon Northcutt Headshot Brandon D. Northcutt, Ph.D. News Publications Patents Experience Education Speaking Links


Jun012021Deceleration assistance mitigated the trade-off between sense of agency and driving performance

Deceleration assistance mitigated the trade-off between sense of agency and driving performance

Frontiers in Psychology

Mar112019The benefits of immersive demonstrations for teaching robots

The benefits of immersive demonstrations for teaching robots

IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

Mar012018The Benefits of Teaching Robots using VR Demonstrations

The Benefits of Teaching Robots using VR Demonstrations

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction

Apr022017An insect-inspired model for visual binding II: functional analysis and visual attention

An insect-inspired model for visual binding II: functional analysis and visual attention

Biological Cybernetics

Mar162017An insect-inspired model for visual binding I: learning objects and their characteristics

An insect-inspired model for visual binding I: learning objects and their characteristics

Biological Cybernetics

Dec152016Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Visual Navigation and Object Perception in Mobile Robotics

Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Visual Navigation and Object Perception in Mobile Robotics

Doctoral Dissertation University of Arizona